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Aresty Summer Science Program

Guide for the Aresty Summer Science program. Link:

Creating & Presenting Posters

You will likely present your work at the Summer Science Poster Session.   Just as you would in a paper or slide presentation, cite all references or images used in your poster.

The following links provide useful ideas about organizing posters, although some information presented may not be relevant to you as a new researcher.  Discuss the information you take away with your peer instructor and mentors.

If this is your first experience presenting an academic or research poster, it can be stressful.  This YouTube video created by Dr. George R. Hess at the North Carolina State University demonstrates some important tips for presenters to keep in mind.   While it was created with graduate students in mind, the six rules highlighted can provide useful guidance. 

  1. Don't read your poster.
    The purpose of the presentation is personal interaction. 
  2. Be prepared.
    Be sure that you understand all aspects of your project, and be ready to explain terms, methodology and results to people less familiar with those aspects than you. 
  3. Handouts are good.
    Strive to keep your poster as focused as possible.  If there is more information that you'd like to communicate, bring a 2-sided handout with you.
  4. Make reviewers responsible for follow-up.
    Bring business cards
  5. Admit when you don't know something.
  6. Put the viewer first.
    Don't block your poster.  Give the viewer time to review content.  Be respectful of their familiarity or lack thereof with your topic.

Learning to present to an audience with different levels of understanding is crucial for scientists and researchers.  For a fun example, watch this YouTube video produced by Vice News,


Information about Rutgers poster printing resources is here.  Alternative options may be available to you through the Aresty program. Be sure to consult your peer instructor.