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Africana Studies

Selected Databases for Scholarly Articles



  • Quick Search (*search engine): library's new Google-like search engine that provides fast, relevancy-ranked results through a single search box. At Rutgers, quick search searches all the libraries electronic and physical catalogue and many of our databases
  • JSTOR is a platform for journals, books, images, and primary sources in a wide variety of subject areas in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. On JSTOR, Rutgers has purchased a variety of ebooks and subscribes to an assortment of current journals.
  • Academic Search Premier: a multi-disciplinary database designed for academic institutions. The database offers information in nearly every area of academic studies
  • Periodicals Index Online/Archive Online
  • Black Women Writers writings by women of African nations and the African Diaspora. The collection consists of over 100,000 pages of fiction, poetry, and essays. These writings reveal the historical, economic, and political conditions affecting Black women; the legacies of slavery and colonialism; how race and class operate in regional contexts; the roles of Black women as intellectuals, nation builders, and influencers of society; and the evolution of Black feminism. (18th-20th centuries)
  •  Sabinet African Journals: platform for academic journals published in Africa in a wide variety of subject areas, including business and finance, education, labor, law, medicine and health, science, technology, and agriculture, religion, and social sciences and humanities


  • Historical Abstracts is an index of scholarly literature covering world history from the 15th century to the present. It covers all countries and regions, excluding the United States and Canada. Subjects covered include world history, military history, women’s history, history of education, and more. Resource types indexed include journal articles, magazines, books, and dissertations. The database includes indexing for over 2,300 journals in 40 languages.
  • America History & LifeScholarship on United States and Canadian history from prehistoric times to the present. 1895-present.
  • WorldCat: is a shared catalog that allows you to discover materials held by thousands of libraries in North America and around the world. It includes books, journals, archival materials, dissertations, government publications, maps, music, musical scores, audio recordings, videos, and many other types of materials. In total, it includes more than 500 million records.



  • ProQuest Social Sciences Premiumcovers anthropology, criminology, economics, education, international relations, library science, linguistics, political science, public policy, social work, sociology, and more. It indexes a wide range of materials, such as journal articles, books, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, reports, government publications, and more. (1871-present)
  • Hein Online: legal research collection of laws and regulations, case law, treaties and agreements, scholarly legal and criminal justice journals, government publications, classical legal volumes, and related materials. It covers law in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, (see within, Slavery in America And the World


  • Family and Society Studies Worldwide: research, policy, and practice literature in the fields of family science, human ecology, human development, and social welfare. The database has an international perspective, and citations are drawn from a range of social science disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, health sciences, demography, education, economics, law, social work, and history. Document types include journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, discussion materials, government reports, statistical documents, theses and dissertations, and working papers. (1902-present)
  • Worldwide Political Science Abstractsinternational scholarship in political science, international law, and public administration/policy. It includes journals, books, book chapters, dissertations, and working papers (1909-present)


  • Criminal Justice Abstractsindex of scholarship on criminal justice, criminology, and related disciplines from the early 20th century to the present. It covers crime trends, crime prevention and deterrence, forensic sciences, juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice, police and policing, punishment, and sentencing. Resource types indexed include journals, books, and governmental and non-governmental reports.


  • Women's Studies Internationalwomen’s studies and feminist research. It is relevant to many disciplines, including sociology, history, international relations and humanities. The database indexes a variety of resource types, including journals, newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, books, book chapters, proceedings, reports, theses, dissertations, NGO studies, websites and web documents, and gray literature (1881-present)



  • RILM: Abstracts of Music Literatureworld's largest continuously updated bibliography of music literature. A wide variety of genres and subject areas are included, such as classical, traditional, and popular music, jazz, historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, instruments, voice, and dance
  • Communication & Mass Media Completea database of scholarly literature on all aspects of communication studies, including discourse, linguistics, media studies, and rhetoric


  • ERIC - Education Resources Information Center: national online database of education research and information AND includes citations for journal articles, books, research papers, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, dissertations, theses, and other materials 


  • Business Source Premierbusiness and management topics, including accounting, banking, economics, finance, international trade, marketing, management information systems, and operations management


  • CINAHL: provides comprehensive indexing of the nursing and allied health journal literature. It includes indexing for over 5,000 journals, including publications in nursing and allied health, consumer health, alternative/complementary medicine, biomedicine, and health sciences librarianship