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Certified Public Manager Program

Guide for participants in certificate programs at the Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration

Best Bets for Finding Articles

For JerseyClicks databases:  Go to  If off-campus, sign in with your public library barcode.  Select the database you want.  For frustration-free searching, limit searches to full text.  JerseyClicks is brought to you by the New Jersey State Library.

New Jersey state employees:  You have remote access to specialized databases through the State Library (


I.  Management and Public Policy

  • Business Source Elite (JerseyClicks version) -- Full text for many scholarly and non-scholarly journals in public administration and nonprofit management

II.  Education

  • ERIC (JerseyClicks version) -- Indexes periodical articles and reports for educators; includes educational administration
  • ERIC (Free online) -- Source for many full-text education reports; sponsored by the Federal Government.

III. Grantsmanship

  • (Free Online) -- Free search tool about charities, nonprofits, and foundations from Candid, a combinattion of the Foundation Center and GuideStar.    
  • Candid Learning -- Grant how-to's from Candid.  Many items are completely free of charge.  Stay up to date with the Candid Learning Blog.

IV. Health Care

  • MedlinePlus -- Consumer health information vetted by health professionals from the US Government
  • PubMed (Free online) -- Public version of the MEDLINE indexing/abstracting database.  Little full text, but some free articles

VI. Social Sciences and Social Problems

  • Academic Search Premier (JerseyClicks) -- Covers many different subjects; indexes both scholarly and non-scholarly items.  Can limit to scholarly and full-text.
  • PolicyMap (trial version) -- Online data and mapping application; includes data on real estate as well as loads of government data.  Sign up for a seven-day free trial.
  • Shorenstein Center at Harvard -- Credible background material on emerging social and political policy issues.  Journalist's Resource provides background reports on emerging topics.  Research publications offer a variety of research sources from the Center.  Many research publications, background reports, and websites listed are free and open.
  • Social Explorer (free version) -- Interactive mapping for population data.
  • Social Science Research Network -- Open site for scholarly papers in numerous areas of the social sciences and humanities, including economics, entrepreneurship, leadership, management, and political science.  Free registration required.  Only a portion of the papers are free; others require a paid subscription.

VII. Transportation

VIII. A Little of Everything

  • Google Scholar (Open version)  -- Extensive index to scholarly material in just about any subject.  Some items available free in full text.
  • Academic Search Premier (JerseyClicks) -- Covers many different subjects; indexes both scholarly and non-scholarly items.  Can limit to scholarly and full-text.
  • Digital Commons Network -- Includes “peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.” – from the site
  • Rutgers Alumni Databases Guide by Natalie Borisovets -- List of free databases on the Internet that allow you to go deeper than the "once over lightly" of general search engines.  Includes many subjects.


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