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Certified Public Manager Program

Guide for participants in certificate programs at the Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration


The E-Governance Institute
"Mission is to explore how the internet and other information technologies (IT) have and will continue to impact on the productivity and performance of the public sector and how e-government fosters new and deeper citizen involvement within the governing process."

Center for Digital Government
"(A) national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government." Conducts annual Digital Cities, Digital Counties and Digital States surveys.

Office of E-Government & Information Technology
Documents and reports from the Office of Management and Budget related to federal e-government initiatives and practices.

Case studies, best practices, and other information compiled by the World Bank which emphasizes e-government projects in developing countries.

IDABC Pan-European EGovernment Services
"IDABC stands for Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public administrations, businesses and citizens. It uses the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies to encourage and support the delivery of cross-border public sector services to citizens and enterprises in Europe..." -- from the site

Government Technology Magazine
"Provides information technology (IT) case studies, applications, news and best practices by and for international, state, city and county government" --from the site. Searchable tables of contents from 1995 to the present; some recent issues full text online with option to purchase reprints of older articles.

Public Technology Institute
"As the only technology organization created by and for cities and counties, PTI works with a core network of leading local officials — the PTI membership — to identify research opportunities, share solutions, recognize member achievements and address the many technology issues that impact local government."--from the site.

Related Interests

American Political Science Association
"...The world's largest professional organization in the study of politics."

American Probation and Parole Association

American Society for Public Administration
"Advances the art, science, teaching, and practice of public and non-profit administration."

Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA)
Mission of this ASPA section is “to advance the science, processes, art, and image of public administration by providing leadership in the elimination of discriminatory practices against all minorities regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual preferences in the public sector” -from the site.

Council of State Governments

MIssion:  “CSG champions excellence in state governments to advance the common good”--from the site.   The organization includes membership from all three branches of state government.  Their magazine, Capitol Ideas, is online.  An e-newsletter is also available.  The CSG list of affiliates is reproduced below  (CSG affiliated organizations from

American Probation and Parole Association

Emergency Management Accreditation Program

Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision

Interstate Commission for Juveniles

Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunities for Military Children

National Academy of Public Administration
"Chartered by Congress to respond to specific requests from public agencies and non-governmental organizations." (from description in Encyclopedia of Associations)

National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
" institutional membership organization which exists to promote excellence in public service education"--from the site

National Assocation of County Information Officers (NACIO) 
Professional association of public information officers on the county level.

National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)

National Association of State Budget Officers
Professonal association of state financial officers.

National Association of State Facilities Administrators

National Association of State Personnel Executives

National Association of State Technology Directors

National Association of State Treasurers

National Emergency Management Association

National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators

State International Development Organizations


Project Vote Smart
Excellent guide to many grassroots and non-governmental sources of information about politics.

Southern Public Administration Education Foundation, Inc. (SPAEF)
"The SPAEF's purpose is to develop and to disseminate information in the fields of public administration and management. This dissemination is accomplished primarily through the publication of several, blind-refereed, journals."


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