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Civil Rights Revolution and the Law

Why Newspapers?

You can use historical newspapers to find out how issues and events were reported during a specific time in history.


American Periodicals Series Online 1740-1900
The full text of articles, advertisements, illustrations etc., from American popular and literary magazines and journals that began publication between 1741 and 1900. Search by author, title, article type, publication title, date, and keywords in the full-text. Rutgers-restricted Access
Proquest Historical Newspapers: Combined Search
Search across the ProQuest historical newspapers that the Libraries subscribe to: the Chicago Defender (1910-1975), the New York Times (1851- three years prior to the current year), the Philadelphia Inquirer (November 7, 1860 – December 31, 2001), the Pittsburgh Gazette (August 29, 1786 – December 31, 2003), the Wall Street Journal (1889-2010), the Washington Post (1877-2005); the Camden Courier Post (1950- ) and the New Jersey Collection (1876- ). Rutgers-restricted Access.
Historical New York Times
Allows you to search and display the full image of articles published in the New York Times back to 1851. The two+ most recent years are not included, use Factiva. Rutgers-restricted Access.
Historical Washington Post
Search and display the full image of articles published in the Washington Post between 1877 and 2005. Rutgers-restricted Access.
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
Full-text database of 500 newspapers published between 1800 and 1900. Rutgers-restricted Access.

African American Newspapers

African-American Newspapers
Searchable full-text database consisting of:
Freedom's Journal (New York, 1827-1829)
Colored American (New York, 1837-1841)
North Star (Rochester, N.Y., 1847-1851)
National Era (Washington, DC, 1847-1850)
Frederick Douglass' Paper, (Rochester, N.Y., 1851-1852)
Provincial Freeman, (Toronto, 1854-1857)
Christian Recorder, (Toronto, 1861-1862)
Rutgers-restricted Access
Chicago Defender
The Chicago Defender was the most influential African-American newspaper of the 20th century. With the majority of its readership outside the Chicago region, it served as the de facto national black newspaper in the U.S. Search and display the full text of articles published between 1910 and 1975. Rutgers-restricted Access.

Ethnic Newspapers

Ethnic NewsWatch
Bilingual (English and Spanish) full text database of the newspapers, magazine and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press. 1960- . Rutgers-restricted Access
Baltimore, 1902-1992.
Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey
Search a collection of translations of nearly 50,000 newspaper articles originally published in Chicago's ethnic press between the 1860s and the 1930s. 22 ethnic groups are represented.
Chung Sai Yat Po
Search five years (1900-1904) of a major Chinese-language newspapers published in San Francisco.
Dziennik Zwiazkowy
"Established in 1908 by the Polish National Alliance, Dziennik Zwiazkowy continues to be published today as the Polish Daily News. This database includes the first ten years (1908-1917) of publication, which represent local, national and international issues of utmost concern to the Polish community of Chicago at that time."
San Francisco African-American newspaper. 1865-1898 [only scattered issues after 1874].
Evansville Argus
Evansville, Indiana African-American newspaper. 1938-1943.
Freedom's Journal
Browse the first African-American owned and operated newspaper published in the United States. The Journal was published weekly in New York City from 1827 to 1829.
The Friend of Man
Search one of the most significant newspapers documenting early anti-slavery and other reform movements in New York state, 1836-1842.
The Indianapolis Recorder
"One of the top African-American publications in the nation." 1899-2005 [lacking 1917-1925].
The Irish Press
The Irish Press was a weekly newspaper dedicated to Irish nationalism and to topics of interest to Irish-Americans that was published in Philadelphia from March 23, 1918 to May 6, 1922.
Historic Mexican & Mexican American Press
Search or browse Mexican and Mexican American publications, primarily daily and weekly newspapers, published in Tucson, El Paso, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sonora, Mexico from the mid-1800s to the present. A project of the University of Arizona.
The Miami Times
African-American newspaper. 1958-1969; 2005-present.
New York Age
The New York Age, 1887-1953, was one of the best known and most influential African American newspapers of its time. August 1890-February 1892 is available from the Google News Archive; 1906-1953 is available from the Fulton History site.
The Occident and American Jewish Advocate
Published in Philadelphia from 1843 to 1869, the Advocate was the first successful Jewish serial in the United States.
Ohio Jewish Chronicle
Search the Columbus, Ohio newspaper, 1922 through 1994.
The Pittsburgh Catholic
Currently March 16, 1844 through March 7, 1957 available for searching or browsing.
Pittsburgh Jewish Newspaper Project
Search or browse more than one hundred years of Jewish newspapers published in Pittsburgh: the Jewish Criterion (1895-1962), the American Jewish Outlook (1934-1962), the Jewish Chronicle (1962-present), and the Y-JCC series (1926-1975).
St. Louis Argus
African American newspaper published in St. Louis 1915-1945. In progress; 1915-1921 scanned.
Southern Israelite
1929-1986. The Southern Israelite, which began in Augusta and then moved to Atlanta, not only covered the news of the southern Jewry, but also the issues that involved Jewish populations throughout the nation and world, including the Holocaust and later the creation of the Jewish state of Israel.