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Principles of Public Policy (762:210:02; 833:210:02;843:210:02))

This guide is designed to help you find resources to complete your papers for this class, Spring 2019

Statutes at Large/Public Laws

Steps to converting Public Law information to a Statutes at Large citation.

1. Using the Congressional Publications database, find the Legislative History for your Public Law; enter the name of your act, and limit on the left to "legislative history." Open the history.

2. Under "Title Information", click the link in the PL Number field.

3. On the next page, select the PDF link

4. This is the fulltext of the public law.  In either the top right or top left, you will see the volume and the beginning page number in the Statutes at Large.  For example, "123 STAT. 5 "   is volume 123, page 5.  The next page is volume 123 page 6, etc. 

With this information, you can compile a citation-Provide the name of the statute, source ( Statutes at Large), volume, section , and (if relevant) page:

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. 2009. Statutes at Large. Vol. 123, sec. 3, p.5.