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Guide to Chinese Historiagraphy and Methods

Required Resources

These research guides are the starting point for this course. Please familiarize yourself with them.

The most comprehensive on-line research guide for Sinology is:

 "Classcial Historiography for Chinese History  中國經典文獻工具書錄" built by Prof. Benjamin Elman of Princeton University. 

The most comprehensive on-line research guide for Japnology is:

Japanese Studies Databases for Researchers and Graduate Students buit by Japanese Studies Librarian, Hiroyuki Good, at the University of Pittsburgh.

Our library does not have every item listed on these two research guides. It is part of your exercises to find out what we have and what we don't.

These are the libguides to the resources we have here at Rutgers:

Research Resources for Chinese Studies

Research Resources for Japanese Studies