The library catalog is the best place to search for books. You can search the catalog using the search box provided above or by going to our website and clicking on the "Books and More" tab.
If you need a book quickly, use the "Choose a Library" dropdown menu to limit your search to books that are in CAMDEN.
If the book is not available in Camden, you can request the item for delivery by clicking on the Book Delivery/Recall button.
To find books about LGBTQ issues in the stacks, head for call number HQ76.
This call number range includes books about...
Or find some suggested titles using the tabs at the top of this page.
If you are looking for a specific book and we do not have the book at Rutgers (or if we do but it is checked out to someone else), don't despair. We may be able to get it from another library. Request the item for delivery from another university using EZ-Borrow.