In PsycINFO use the Tests and Measures field to find measures used in a study and sometimes the actual measure.
See this tutorial on searching for tests and measures provided by the American Psychological Association!
Every article in PsycINFO is given four-digit classification codes, which are used to categorize the document according to the primary subject matter. The classification code for articles that discuss the development of a measure begins with "222" For example, 2220=Tests & Testing; 2223=Personality Scales & Inventories. These classification codes can help you target your search to articles that focus on the development and validation of instruments which measure specific concepts.
The "appended" notation was added to the test and measures field in 2004. To broader your search, you might consider this strategy:
your concept(s) and (test* or measure* or questionnaire* or scale* or survey*) and appended
social anxiety and (test* or measure* or questionnaire* or scale* or survey*) and appended
(Again, this does not mean that the particular concept measure is appended.)
Another strategy that is less restrictive is to drop the "appended" to see what measures were used in articles on your topic or concept.