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Digital Humanities

A resource guide for learning about and starting projects in the Digital Humanities

Rutgers Resources on DH Pedagogy

DH Teaching & Learning Sample Projects

DH Spotlight: Enchanting the Desert

Faculty Diving into Digital Humanities for Pedagogy

Digital Humanities incorporates emerging technologies in classroom exercises and projects to aid students in gaining deeper computer skills and to learn how to critically analyze humanities material with quantitative methods. Often, professors teaching in the Digital Humanities make learning a new software skill or online tool part of the course curriculum, rather than expecting students to come with up-to-date technology skills when they step inside the classrom.

Brian Croxall's English 389: Introduction to Digital Humanities Blog (Emory University)

Dr. Croxall used this blog to elaborate on course concepts and interact with students using social media.

Read Katherine D. Harris' experience with students developing the Beard-Stair project at San Jose State University


The Chronicle: Integrating a Digital Project Into a Class: Deciding on a Project

Amy Cavender writes as Prof Hacker in The Chronicle of Higher Education on how she decided to replace a term paper with a digital humanities project.

A Guide to Using Twitter in University Research, Teaching, and Impact activities

Includes a step-by-step guide to adding Twitter to Moodle!

Using Zotero Groups to Teach the French Revolution at George Mason Univerity

Sean Takats,  Direc­tor of Research Projects at the Cen­ter for His­tory and New Media and assis­tant pro­fes­sor of his­tory at George Mason Uni­ver­sity in 2009, blogs about his process for using Zotero Groups to interact with students as they interact with historical sources. Unfortunately, there is no part two that we could find. Take a look at this tutorial guide from ProfHacker in the Chronicle to get started.

Digital Humanities Tools for Student Projects

Below are tools that instructors might want to investigate for use in course work.

ArcGIS StoryMaps

ESRI's free, online tool for visualizing geospatial information as a narrative.


An tool to create interactive, web-based maps with explanatory slide shows. Would work well with student projects or as a piece for larger, more complex faculty research projects.


An tool to create interactive, web-based timelines with explanatory slide shows. Would work well with student projects or as a piece for larger, more complex faculty research projects.


Multimedia publishing tool to create multi-layerd narratives on one topic or a variety of related topics. Works well with course content with overlapping concepts and themes.

Google My Maps

This excellent tutorial on creating the Shark Sites & Sightings Map will help you and your students get started using Google MyMaps.

SIMILE Exhibit

A tool for creating data visualizations including timelines and maps. Version 2.x uses JavaScript. Version 3.0 incorporates HTML 5. Students can create data visualizations or searchable, interactive maps using Google Map APIs with with Exhibit.

In Time and Place

A set of ready-made resources for using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to analyze events in U.S. history.

Use the Old Bailey API Demonstrator in the Classroom

The Old Bailey API Demonstrator allows you to search and analyze the records of trails held in the Old Bailey, the central criminal court of London, U.K.. There's even a tutorial on how to read an Old Bailey trial to help get you started.