Preserving and granting access to digital collections is a process that takes a great deal of time and planning. This guide provides a thorough introduction to the necessary steps in guiding a digitization project from start to finish.
Links to guidelines for Digital Humanities preservation projects. Some links are guides for managing digitization projects, other are links to standards and best practices.
If you are creating DIGITAL COLLECTIONS, you can either use presentation and access software like OMEKA or DigiTool or you can encode your documents for direct access without a pre-packaged user interface. If you want to apply digital humanities tools, such as text mining, ENCODING will be your preferred method of access. To apply text mining and other tools, you need to use a coding language to mark up your resources so that they can be machine read and used by others. What follows are a handful of markup languages for ENCODING and metadata standards used in preservation and access projects in PRESENTATION and ACCESS software suites.
Amanda French's Lesson Plan: Introduction to OMEKA
The presentation and access software developed by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University. Amanda French is a member of the development team for the tool.
SCALAR is an open-source publication platform focused on leveraging the inter connectivity of meaning by linking media resources.
A markup language for the creation of interactive, sharable music scores.
TEI (Text Encoding Initiative)
A standard designed for creating interactive, searchable text documents. Currently on version P5.
This is the most basic metadata standard available and is supported by international standards bodies. It is widely used and can be easily implemented. Dublin Core is also extensible, which means it can be customized to suit your project's needs. Other standards may be more complex, but they will capture your metadata more thoroughly.
Created by the Library of Congress, the EAD metadata standard is designed to handle data about all objects in digital collections. The Library of Congress intends to update the EAD standard in 2013.
The standard used by many organizations, including Rutgers in RUcore institutional repository.
Metadata Schema for managing images of cultural heritage and other materials.
Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA)
Metadata standard developed by The Getty Institute for cataloging and tracking cultural heritage materials.
XML Schema Content for Contributing Records via the OAI Harvesting Protocol (Version 1.1. Often used instead of a full version of CDWA to create smaller metadata records.
Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO)
CCO was developed to allow museums to record detailed metadata about objects in their collections.
Eric Hoyt and UW-Madison offer this "free online resource ... from the histories of film, broadcasting, and recorded sound."
A digital archive of artifacts and programs from Cinema Zoology at the Antwerp Zoo (1915-1936).
NYPL Labs does it again with this crowdsourcing tool that will help computer programs learn to recognize building shapes in old city maps.
The Universit of Virgina's groundbreaking project to link archival information from geographically disparate locations for research.
A crowdsourced preservation and access project by the New York Public Librar Labs. Volunteers are in the process of transcribing approximately 45,000 menus from New York restaurants dataing as far back as the 1840s.
An oral history project at the Universit of Kentucky recording the experiences of Haitians during the earthquake of January 20, 2010 and living in its aftermath.
A list of digital humanities projects focused on scholarly communication/preservation using the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) for analysis.