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Criminal Justice: Issues in Juvenile Justice

Prof. Szejner, Criminal Justice

Getting Articles

  • If the index does not have the full article, click on the Get it @ R  to find out if Rutgers has alternate online access to the journal.  If you do not see a link to full text, click on Search the library’s catalog by title or by ISSN that will take you to the record in IRIS for the title if available in the Rutgers libraries.   The IRIS record will note the availability of the journal online in the Electronic access:  line.   IRIS also indicates whether the library system owns the periodical in paper or in other formats.     
  • If Rutgers subscribes to the journal but does not have electronic access, look at the journal's IRIS record to locate the paper or other format version of the journal in the Rutgers University Libraries.  You can go onsite for the article or you can request a copy through the Rutgers Article Delivery Service by clicking on the ARTICLE DELIVERY button in IRIS or the DELIVERY AND INTERLIBRARY LOAN link to Interlibrary Loan and Article Delivery Services on the RUL web site.                            


                            ---This is an adaptation of Jeris Cassel's guide---

You are judged on Quality

---Adapted from several RUL librarians (ISC) versions---

How do I request an article?

---This is an adaptation of Jeris Cassel's guide---

About Me

Profile Photo
Triveni Kuchi
Librarian for Sociology, Criminal Justice, Cinema, South Asian, and Middle Eastern Studies
New Brunswick Libraries,
Rutgers University - New Brunswick,
Carr Library, 75 Avenue E, Piscataway, NJ-08854