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Grants for Graduate Students

This guide offers resources for graduate students seeking external funding.

Citation managers

Using citation managers

          Citation managers enable you to organize the citations you find by importing them from the University Libraries’ databases and placing them in folders.  When you write your paper, you can use the citation manager to insert brief citations in the text and to prepare a bibliography in APA format (or almost any other style).

          The following citation managers are web based and include the Check for Full Text from LinkSource button in the citation record.  Clicking on “Get it @ R"” will lead you to the article in full text/pdf.



          With the financial support of the Rutgers-Newark Dean’s Offices, the University Libraries can offer the opportunity to import citations to RefWorks from almost all journal index databases and the Online Catalog.  The only exception is Web of Science which requires the use of EndNote Online.  The process of exporting citation to RefWorks is easy

          For more information about RefWorks and to connect directly, go to Services and Tools on the red bar at the top of the University Libraries’ home page.   RefWorks is listed under Tools in the column on the right.

Additional resources:

          Quick Guide

          Introductory tutorials

          Advanced tutorials

          RefWorks YouTube Channel

          LibGuide by Rutgers Librarians


EndNote Online

          EndNote is one of the options offered for exporting journal article citations from indexes and databases.  When you use Web of Science, exporting citations to EndNote Online is the only option.  It is also possible to export citations from EndNote Online to your desktop copy of EndNote.  Any links to full text items In EndNote Online will be retained in the transfer to EndNote.

          Quick Reference Guide

          EndNote Online tutorial    A comprehensive introduction on YouTube.  Use the transcript tab to see the contents and make a selection.



          Zotero is a free and easy to use Firefox extension that can be used to manage citations.  It was developed as a joint project of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The following guides will help you get started. 

         Quick Guide

         LibGuide from Rutgers Librarians

         Creating bibliographies