IBISWorld provides reports for all of the 723 industries in the United States as categorized by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). IBISWorld research reports contain trends, statistics and analysis on market size, market share of competitors, and industry growth rates. (Rutgers-restricted access)
Hundreds of industry sectors for major countries around the world are covered by MarketLine (formerly Datamonitor 360) (Rutgers-restricted access)
Hundreds of consumer product and service categories are covered by Mintel Reports (Rutgers-restricted access)
Encyclopedia of American Industries, 5th edition, 2008, has reports on about 1,000 industry sectors as categorized by the Standard Industrial Classification code. (Rutgers-restricted access) [http://bit.ly/9SNR4t]
Encyclopedia of American Industries, 3rd edition, 2004. The 3rd edition is available in print: Vol.1: Manufacturing Industries; Vol.2: Non-manufacturing Industries (CAMDEN, DANA, CARR REF HC 102 .E53)
Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries, 5th edition, 2007. (Rutgers-restricted access) [http://bit.ly/9SNR4t] Also available in print: (CARR REF HD 62.5 .E529 ; DANA Reference Desk)
The Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys (CAMDEN, CARR REF HC 106.6 .S74; DANA Reference Desk) are useful for basic statistics (production, shipment, sales, revenues) for large industry groups but not for all products.
The monthly Standard & Poor's Statistical Service (DANA Business Reference; CARR Reference Desk) provides selected current and historical statistics on 12 industries.
Mergent Online has lengthy reports on 39 major industry sectors for four primary regions of the world. (Rutgers-restricted access)
More industry sectors are covered by Value Line and Value Line Historical Reports (Rutgers-restricted access) (previously available in print: Value Line Investment Survey (CAMDEN REF HG 4501 .V2; DANA, CARR Reference Desk)) but the overviews are shorter.