The following online indexes and databases can be searched to find articles. See the RUL Listing of Labor and Employment Studies Databases for a complete list. All database access is restricted to Rutgers affiliates unless otherwise indicated.
A multi-disciplinary, full-text database designed for academic institutions. Although it contains less business-oriented titles than Business Source Premier (see below), it is useful when the researcher is targeting academic studies from the most important peer-reviewed journals.
A database that covers most business and management topics including accounting, banking, economics, finance, international trade, marketing, and public administration. It contains the full-text (or abstracts) of articles from thousands of scholarly and professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines. This database also includes profiles of the world's 10,000 largest companies, reports for over two thousand industry sectors, and hundreds of country risk and economic reports.
Produced by the International Labour Organization (ILO), Labordoc is a free bibliographic database of documents cataloged and abstracted by the ILO Library since 1965. It provides worldwide coverage of reports, studies, and journal articles on labor relations, labor law commentaries, employment, working conditions, economics, cooperatives, intermediate technology, and project evaluation.
Web of Science is an enhanced web version of Thomson/ISI's citation indexes, including the Social Sciences Citation Index. It can be used for citation and subject searching. Useful for interdisciplinary research. Citations only.
Primarily useful for legal research, Westlaw can also be used to research news and business topics. Includes Hoovers Company Records and a searchable database of SEC filings.