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Social Welfare Policy and Services

Resources that you can use when seeking information on current and historical social welfare policies, issues, and services in the U.S.

Social Work Profession

"Social Work Profession: History"
Paul H. Stuart. Encyclopedia of Social Work, 2013. Rutgers-restricted Access

Social Work and Social Workers

Flexner, Abraham. "Is Social Work a Profession?," Research on Social Work Practice 11(2), March 2001, 152-165.
Reprint of the essay originally published in the 1915 Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. Rutgers-restricted Access

Morris, P. "Reinterpreting Abraham Flexner's Speech, 'Is Social Work a Profession?': It's Meaning and Influence on the Field's Early Professional Development" Social Service Review 82(1), March 2008, 29-60. Rutgers-restricted Access

Lubove, Roy. The Professional Altruist: The Emergence of Social Work as a Career, 1880-1930. New York, Atheneum, 1977. Available?

Kunzel, Regina G. "The Professionalization of Benevolence: Evangelicals and Social Workers in the Florence Crittenton Homes, 1915 to 1945," Journal of Social History 22(1), Fall 1988, 21-43. Rutgers-restricted Access

Lowe, Gary R. and Reid, P. Nelson. The Professionalization of Poverty: Social Work and the Poor in the Twentieth Century. New York, Aldine de Gruyter, 1999. Available?