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Social Welfare Policy and Services

Resources that you can use when seeking information on current and historical social welfare policies, issues, and services in the U.S.

Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) serves as shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. CRS analyzes and reports on current and proposed policies. Until fairly recently (9/2018) CRS itself did not make its reports available even when they were not classified. So we have had to rely on other groups for access.
CRS Reports
The official site with all the most recent reports. Earlier reports more likely to be found on one of the other sites.
Includes every CRS report that’s currently available on Congress’s internal website. A project of Demand Progress in collaboration with the Congressional Data Coalition — a bipartisan coalition founded by Demand Progress and the R Street Institute to promote open legislative information.
Congressional Research Service Reports
Reports compiled by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). To search for a report on a particular subject, select the "Search" link, and enter "crs" and the topic. For example: crs homelessness.
Congressional Research Service Reports
Part of the University of North Texas Digital Library, this site "aims to provide integrated, searchable access to many of the full-text CRS reports that have been available at a variety of different web sites since 1990."
Congressional Research Service Reports (CRS) and Issue Briefs - By Topic
U.S. Department of State site.

Think Tanks

Think Tank Search. Think Tank directory from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

A selection of think tanks--the view from all sides:

American Enterprise Institute

The Brookings Institution

The Cato Insitute

Heritage Foundation

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

The Urban Institute


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