Get Some Background
CQ Researcher -- weekly reports on "hot topics" from Congressional Quarterly, Inc. This is not scholarly publishing, but informative nevertheless. Public Policy Process Intro and CQ Researcher Demo Video
Scholarly Articles
Check out the choices under the FINDING ARTICLES tab, depending upon your subject. Two good places to start are the ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection and Business Source Premier. Business Source Premier Demo
News/Environmental Scan
Look at the sources listed under the NEWSPAPERS tab.
Use Access World News for the Newark Star Ledger, 1989+.
Factiva has major US national and regional newspapers--Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor--as well as international newspapers and business sources of note..
A few additional news sources and websites from: 10 Journalism Brands Where You Find Real Facts Rather Than Alternative Facts by Paul Glader.
Legislation, Federal and State
US Congress
Use the simple search at the top of the page, or click on MORE OPTIONS. Demo
New Jersey Legislature
Use the guided search on the home page or find more options by using ADVANCED search. NJ Legislature Demo
New York Legislature Links
New York Legislature Information Page (For Quick Searches)
New York State Assembly
New York State Senate
All State Legislatures
Think Tanks
Public Policy Research Think Tanks 2017 ( from the University of Pennsylvania Libraries--Top US Think Tanks
The 50 Most Influential Think Tanks in the United States
Think tanks on this site are listed with descriptions of political orientation.
Policy Process Examples from the Federal Government
The CDC Policy Process
ICE Office of Policy
U.S. Congress Legislative Process
Professional Association Policy Interests
Council of State Governments
Displays areas of interest on home page. Public policy interests and initiatives articulated throughout the website.