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Mission Course of Douglass Residential College

This guide is for students in the mission course of Douglass Residential College.

Douglass Related Research Guides

These research guides focuses on different aspects of Douglass  student life over the years. 

The Dance With Dads guide, created by Allie Kroeper, DRC'15, focuses on Dance with Dads event organized by the college for many decades. Allie traces its changes over the years using archival material and alumnae recollections and  identify issues associated with its concept. 

The Scrapbooking and Practices of Memory Keeping Past and Present guide was developed by Alexander Steiger as an internship project while she as a graduate students at SC&I, Library and Information Science MLIS Program. Inspired by the scrapbook created by Florence Marshall NJC '29, she examined scrapbooks of Rutgers and Douglass students from the late 1920s to early 1930s and those created by the historians of Casa Hispanica, a living and learning community. 

Short Film Projects

Two graduate students at SC&I, Library Science created these short films based on Douglass history. 

Bridging the Past, Engaging the Future: the Douglass Alumnae Oral History Project (4.14 min.) 2014. The short video was created by Jen Hunter, DC '02 and and Maciel Torres, RU '14. They reflect on their experience working together with the oral history collection and the impact  of women's stories on their lives. 

Florence Marshall and Susan Schwirck: a Mother Daughter Story (9:10 min.) 2014. The video was created by Lauren Carboy. She focuses on the mother and daughter story through the interview with Susan Schwirk, DC '71, as part of the Douglass Alumnae Oral History Project. In the interview, Susan also recollects about her mother, Florence Marshall, NJC '29.

Aresty Research Project

Aya Sakar DRC '15 created the Aresty project Perspectives on Diversity and Multiculturalism on Douglass Campus: From 1920s to 1950s. She examined the Quair Yearbooks for women of color. The project received an Honorary Mention in the category of humanities in 2015.

Lesbian Presence at Douglass

Story of Rue is a blog entry created by Camille Dubois, RU 2019 based on her interview with Rue Watson, DC 1977 for her public history course.

Dink Dykes: Lesbian Culture at Douglass College, 1967-1977 was a presentation on October 25, 2018 by a group of Douglass College graduates to reflect on their lesbian culture during college years. The event was moderated by Ed Cohen, faculty of Rutgers department of women's, gender and sexuality studies.

Dink Dykes Return to Douglass is the blog with more detail on the Dink Dykes event. It has links to the collection of photos from the event and from seminar presenters' personal collections.