Letty C. Polgrebin, social activist and founding editor of Ms. Magazine was the 1973 Douglass College convocation speaker. Her speech The Assertive Woman: An Idea that Time Has Come starts at the 4:43 min. of the recording. Availability restricted to select computer terminals in Douglass Library.
Announcement was a handbook distributed to all Douglass Students. It includes requirement for admission, description of courses, college tuition, etc. Shelved in the Mabel Smith Douglass Room.
Caellian. Douglass College student newspaper. Print Index for 1921-1955 only; available at SCUA. Microform version available at Douglass microform collection.
Quair: Yearbook of Douglass College. (1922-2006, with gaps). Shelved in the Mabel Smith Douglass Room.
Douglass Alumnae Bulletin. (1926-1995) is a publication by the Associate Alumnae of Douglass College. Earlier title: New Jersey College for Women Alumnae Bulletin.
Horn Book Magazine: Literary Quarterly was a student publication. Sandra Harding (DC '56) served as the magazine editor.
Red Book (1922- 1970 with gaps) similar to the Announcement, this booklet was distributed to all Douglass students. It included information regarding student life, including student governance, rules of conduct, etc.
Rutgers Daily Targum 1869- Rutgers College student newspaper. Digitized version (1883-1980) available here.
Scarlet Letter (New Brunswick, N.J.) 1871- The Yearbook of Rutgers College.
Proquest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times
Proquest Historical Newspapers: New Jersey Collection
Twenty-Fine Years: Two Anniversary Sketches of New Jersey College for Women was publlshed at the occasion of the college's 25th anniversary in 1943. (available online)
From the Boarding House to the Board Room: 250 years of Women at Rutgers (35 min.) is a documentary directed by the award winning filmmaker June Cross and produced by the Institute for Women's Leadership to celebrates the contributions of women in Rutgers' history.
The 14 individual interviews collected by Cross with Rutgers faculty and alumnae, former deans of Douglass College, the dean of Douglass Residential College, and the director of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs are included in the Women, Education and Leadership at Rutgers digital collection. The interviews record and chronicle first-hand accounts of the history of women at Rutgers and serve as a unique resource to advance research and learning on women, gender and leadership at Rutgers and beyond.
Report of the Ad-Hoc Committee on the Education of Women (1970) was co-chaired by Mary Howard and Elaine Showalter. The commttee included two Douglass students. The report recommended increasing the number of courses focused on the experiences of women to educate independent women.
The article "Women's Lib Grows at Douglass" was published in Douglass Bulletin [a publication of Associate Alumnae of Douglass College], winter 1970/71 issue. It focuses provides an overview of the above report and its co-chairs.