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Selected Resources for Research in Economics


These links are just selections of certain major gateways to information.  Use a site like the UN Directory of National Statistical Offices to locate statistics from countries that are not on this list.  Also, Google is your friend when searching for specific data series.  For general searching, keep it simple - a country, topic, and "statistics" works well (e.g. "China Export Statistics" as your search term). Print statistical reports and subscription statistical databases may be located by searching QuickSearch for "Statistics" and a subject term.      

Top 5 for International Economic Data

Unsure where to start?  Try these comprehensive compilations of official data.

  • Global Financial Data the most complete collection of historical and current financial and economic data available in the world. Covering more than 150 different countries, it provides over 6000 different data series for download or charting.
  • International Financial Statistics (IMF)  contains detailed financial and macroeconomic statistics for many countries, from 1945 to the present, updated monthly.
  • OECD.stat  comprehensive database of statistics produced by OECD about member countries
  • UNdata comprehensive search of all United Nations data sources
  • World Bank data All World Bank data, including World Development Indicators, are now freely available

International Trade

The following are some specialized sources for international trade:

COMTRADE (UN) provides International Merchandise Trade Statistics and related data.  Detailed imports and exports by product and country.

WTO International Trade and Tariff Data includes WTO Trade Statistics and comprehensive tariff data by Harmonized System code.

WITS (World Integrated Trade Solution) developed by the World Bank, this database allows access to COMTRADE, TRAINS (UN tariff data), IDB and CTS databases (additional tariff databases).

General and International Data Sources