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Cultural History Across Borders

African-American and Ethnic Press

Ethnic NewsWatch
Full text collection of articles from newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press back to 1960. Rutgers-restricted Access.
African American Newspapers, Series 1 (Readex)
280 digitized newspaers from some 35 U.S. states published between 1827 and 1998. Rutgers-restricted Access
Chicago Defender
The Chicago Defender was the most influential African-American newspaper of the 20th century. With the majority of its readership outside the Chicago region, it served as the de facto national black newspaper in the U.S. Search and display the full text of articles published between 1910 and 1975.Rutgers-restricted Access.
Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey
Search a collection of translations of nearly 50,000 newspaper articles originally published in Chicago's ethnic press between 1855 and 1938. 22 ethnic groups are represented.
Historic Mexican & Mexican American Press
Search or browse Mexican and Mexican American publications, primarily daily and weekly newspapers, published in Tucson, El Paso, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sonora, Mexico from the mid-1800s to the 1970s. A project of the University of Arizona.
Indigenous Newspapers in North America
Digitized American Indian newspapers dating from 1828 to 2016. Rutgers-restricted Access
The Seminole Tribune: Archives
Official Newspaper of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Online issues back to 2000. 1984 to 2019 also in Ethnic NewsWatch database.