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Chemistry Writing (21:160:350)

This guide was created specifically for Dr. Lockard's class - Spring 2024.

EndNote Basic or EndNote Online or EndNote Web

EndNote basic is a cloud-based and limited version of EndNote. It was previously called (often still being referred to as) EndNote online or EndNote web. 

EndNote basic is free to use and it enables you to collect, manage and share reference directly from EndNote basic or from a desktop library via syncing. It also allows you to cite references while writing a paper and identify an appropriate journal to submit your manuscript for publishing.

To use EndNote basic, you need first to create a free online account:

  • Go to and click Register.
  • You may register with your preferred email address. (Does not have to be your Rutgers email address.)
  • You must follow the link in the confirmation email before using EndNote Basic for the first time.
  • If you don't receive a confirmation email within 15 minutes of registering, please check your junk folder.

EndNote basic/online allows you to:

  • Search up to 25 favorite databases (note: you can change databases in the favorite list)
  • Save and organize up to 50, 000 references that you collected
  • Download a plug-in for Microsoft Word to insert references in your paper in a style you choose
  • Choose from up to 25 favorite styles including APA 6th, AMA (JAMA) and many others to format references
  • Use the Match feature to identify a suitable journal for your research to be published

EndNote basic is an abridged version of EndNote Desktop, except it is free and cloud based. It does not have all the features that the desktop version has. 

Cite While You Write

CWYW (Cite While You Write) is EndNote's signature feature that makes citing easy. It is a Word plug-in.

You can find comprehensive instructions for Cite While You Write here.

EndNote Click

EndNote Click is a browser plug-in that saves time getting full-text PDFs.

Learn more and install EndNote Click here.

Import References from RUL QuickSearch

  • Perform a search in QuickSearch.
  • For an individual citation, click the citation symbol (") on the top right of the individual record and select EndNote Web
  • For multiple citations, select the citations you want to export, cllick the elipses symbol (...) at the top right of the results list and select EndNote Web
  • Log in if prompted
  • Click Export
  • Citations will automatically export to EndNote Online

Import References from Web of Science

  • Perform a search in Web of Science.
  • Select paper(s)
  • At the top of the results list, click Export → EndNote Online
  • Log in if prompted
  • Click Export
  • Citations will automatically export to EndNote Online

Import References from CAS SciFinder-n

  • In CAS SciFinder-n:
    1. select paper(s), then click Download results
    2. for File Type, choose Tagged (.txt), then Download
    3. Save File
  • In EndNote Web:
    1. under Collect → Import References
    2. File: Browse → select saved file
    3. Import Option: SciFinder (CAS)
    4. To: select appropriate folder
    5. Import

Import References from Google Scholar

  • In Google Scholar
    1. Click Cite under the article citation (To export multiple citations at once, Save the citations to My LIbrary and then Export All from My LIbrary)
    2. Select RefMan (NOT EndNote)
    3. Save File
  • In EndNote Web:
    1. under Collect → Import References
    2. File: Browse → select saved file
    3. Import Option: RefMan RIS
    4. To: select appropriate folder
    5. Import