A collection of digitized primary sources documenting attitudes toward sexuality, gender, and sexual behavior. Rutgers has access to 2 modules: 1) research collections from the Kinsey Institute Library & Special Collections, and 2) Self-Expression, Community and Identity: LGBTQI+ individual personal histories, accounts of grass-roots organizations, diaries and correspondence, and personal accounts of sexuality and gender expression sourced from archives in the United States, Britain, and Australia. Rutgers-restricted Access
"The world's largest collection of materials by and about lesbians and their communities." Includes major photograph and oral history collections. In Park Slope, Brooklyn.
The Manuscripts and Archives Division of the New York Public Library holds over 100 collections pertaining to the history and culture of gay men and lesbians, and to the history of the AIDS/HIV epidemic.
"Philadelphia's most extensive collection of personal papers, organizations records, periodicals, audiovisual material and ephemera documenting the rich history of our LGBTQ community." The Wilcox Archives documents LGBT history, generally, and the LGBT history of Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, specifically. Includes digital collections
An online hub for digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world. Based in Worcester, Massachusetts at the College of the Holy Cross, the DTA is an international collaboration among more than sixty colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, public libraries, and private collections.