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Chemistry Seminar - Fall 2022 (21:160:453 / 26:160:601)

This guide was created specifically for Dr. Stacey Brenner-Moyer's class - Fall 2022

Web of Science & Scopus

Learning objectives:

Students will learn how to search Web of Science and Scopus. Upon completion of the session, students will be able to:

  1. execute an efficient and effective search in the Web of Science index/database in order to find journal articles about a research topic
  2. execute an efficient and effective search in the Scopus index/database in order to find journal articles about a research topic
  3. export results from the Web of Science and Scopus indexes/databases to EndNote online/basic/Web
  4. compare and contrast the 4 indexes/databases they’ve studied thus far: SciFinder, Reaxys, Web of Science, and Scopus

**Please note that the graded library exercise can be found on the Canvas course site, under the 'Assignments' or 'Quizzes' module.**

For additional information about Web of Science and Scopus, including where to go for help or to access training, look at the boxes below.

10/5/2022 Skeletal Outline