As a Rutgers student, you generally do not have to pay to get the full-text of an article. If Rutgers does not own or subscribe to it, request the article through interlibrary loan. Just be sure to try the following methods first...
With the many online and print journals that Rutgers University Libraries subscribes to, it is very likely we have the full-text of the article you need. Try steps #A and #B below, but if they do not work, request the article through interlibrary loan (step #C)...
A. Within many of our library databases, you may find that the full-text of articles is available either in PDF format or HTML format. In that case, simply click on the Adobe Acrobat PDF icon or HTML link.
B. If the full-text of an article is not available through that particular database:
1. click on or a "Get Full Text" link and our link resolver may take you directly to the full-text of the article within another Rutgers-subscribed database.
2. If you see the article listed within QuickSearch, scroll down and click on the appropriate link under "Find Online -- Full text availability" (i.e., the link which lists coverage dates that the article would fall under). That link should take you directly to the full-text of the article. If not, ask a librarian for assistance, or go to step #C below.
3. If you see the periodical (i.e., journal/magazine/newspaper/etc.) listed:
a) scroll down to the "Find Online" section. Under "Full text availability," click on the link that lists coverage dates your article would fall under. On the next screen, you may need to browse the journal archives or list of issues to find your particular article. If you are unable to locate your article, ask a librarian for assistance, or go to step #C below.
b) scroll down to the "Find in Library" section. If the Dana Library is listed under "Locations," click over it to see if the publication year for your article is listed. If it is, then the Dana Library has a print copy of your article on the shelves on the lower level. If you are unable to locate your article, ask a librarian for assistance, or go to step #C below. [If one of the other Rutgers University Libraries has a print copy, follow the directions in step #C below.]
4. If you do not see the periodical listed, ask a librarian for assistance, or go to step #C below.
C. To request an Article Delivery interlibrary loan, log in with your NetID and password:
Scholarly articles may be freely available through non-traditional means:
Therefore, if the Rutgers University Libraries does not subscribe to a journal, before requesting it via interlibrary loan, consider Googling the article title on the off-chance that the article is immediately available through alternative means.