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Introduction to Graduate Liberal Studies

Paul Robeson Library

As a student in a Rutgers University-Camden based program, your "home" library at Rutgers is the Paul Robeson Library, located on the Rutgers-Camden quad. Whether you visit campus in-person or not, Robeson is your library, and we are here to help you succeed.


300 N. 4th Street
Camden, NJ 08102



Reference Desk: 856-225-6034
Circulation Desk: 856-225-2848
RU - Camden IT Help Desk: 856-225-6274


Email librarian Zara T. Wilkinson at

Or use our "Ask Us" contact form


Listed here

Rutgers ID Card

Your library card is always your Rutgers ID. If you plan to come to campus and need an ID, please contact the Impact Booth in the Campus Center.

Off-Campus Access

All  electronic resources and services from the Libraries are available to you off-campus. When you are off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your netID when you try to access Rutgers-restricted resources, such as databases. If you have trouble logging in to the library with your netID, please contact the Robeson Library circulation desk at 856-225-2848 or fill out an "Ask Us" form.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan and article delivery will be incredibly useful services during your time at Rutgers.

Article Delivery takes hard copies of articles from the Rutgers Libraries and creates PDFs for you, so you don't have to track down the articles yourself. In addition, if the Libraries do not have access to an article or book (either in hard copy or electronically), we will arrange to get a copy for you. In the case of articles, an electronic copy is often available to you in only 1-2 days.

Follow the link to set up your InterLibrary Loan account, so it will be available when you need it:

InterLibrary Loan Registration


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