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German, Slavic, & East European Languages & Literatures

Assisting your research in German, Slavic, and East European Studies


QuickSearch is the search box that appears on the library home page and elsewhere on library pages.  It subsumes our catalog and many other databases for books, newspapers, and journals.  Hence your searches can access a great variety of material, but you may want to use the filters for material type, subject, date published, etc.  Also be aware that many indexes, like MLA and BDSL, are not included.  Watch our QuickSearch tutorials for a good overview.

This guide points to print and online resources for the study of selected languages and their literatures.  The articles and books tabs focus on indexes and catalogs for all fields and for German, while the other tabs are mainly for books, films, manuscripts and Internet resources in the other language fields.  The print collections are housed mainly at the Alexander Library, located at 169 College Avenue in New Brunswick. Please contact Jim Niessen with any questions or comments.

Find Articles

Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft  (BDSL)
The BDSL database, compiled in Germany's largest library for German literature in Frankfurt, provides the most comprehensive bibliography of writings -- including dissertations, reviews and critical reviews -- on German language and literature beginning in 1985.  Coverage for the earlier years is in the corresponding print volumes since 1945, in Alexander and Douglass Libraries at call number Z2231.

The "German JSTOR" provides full text access to ca. 200 German scholarly journals and 500,000 articles in sixteen disciplines, mostly humanities, as early as 1818. Search by author or title keyword or browse in the tables of contents of individual journals.

MLA International Bibliography
The MLA International Bibliography indexes critical scholarship on literature, language, linguistics, folklore, and film in journal articles, series, monographs, dissertations, bibliographies, proceedings and other materials. Coverage includes literature from all over the world--Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America.  Coverage begins in 1926 but is less complete for the later years than the BDSL.

Academic Search Premier
This database contains interdisciplinary, full text content from thousands of magazines and scholarly journals. To limit your search results to full text, scholarly material, check the boxes for "Full Text," and "Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals."

Among our newspaper databases, Factiva provides full text access to articles in the most German news sources, including:

  • Berliner Zeitung (1998--)
  • Spiegel (1996--)
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung (1995--)
  • Die Welt (2004--)