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Ethics and Public Policy: Selected Resources

Issues in Applied Ethics

General Resources

Ethics Updates
Extensive list of resources from Lawrence Hinman professor emeritus at the University of San Diego.
Applied Ethics Resources on the World Wide Web
Links to applied ethics resources, including resources for business ethics, health care ethics, environmental ethics, professional ethics, media ethics, public sector & government ethics, and international ethics. For most categories includes sections on "Ethics Institutes & Organizations," "Topics & Issues," and "Publications." A project of the W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia.

Bioethics and New Technologies

Encyclopedia of Bioethics
Stephen G. Post, editor. 3rd edition. New York, Thomson/Gale, 2004. 5 vols. 
Rutgers-restricted Access
The Concise Encyclopedia of the Ethics of New Technologies.
Edited by Ruth Chadwick. San Diego, Academic Press, 2000. Available?
Ethics of Human Cloning and Stem Cell Research
"Summary Notes for Members of the California State Legislature."
Bostrom, Nick. Ethical Issues in Advanced Artificial Intelligence
"This paper surveys some of the unique ethical issues in creating superintelligence..."
Artificial Intelligence: Ethics
Annotated list with links to articles, reports, broadcasts, and news items. From the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.

Business Ethics

Principles for Responsible Business
From the Caux Round Table. "The CRT Principles for Business are a worldwide vision for ethical and responsible corporate behavior and serve as a foundation for action for business leaders worldwide."
Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers
Carter McNamara. A practical guide for managers.
Ethics & Policy Integration Centre Research and Education: Guide to Responsible Business Conduct
Includes news, articles, and resource links.
Bibliography from PhilPapers.

Government Ethics

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
Historical Summary of Conduct Cases in the House of Representatives
Summary table of cases from Rep. Matthew Lyon in 1798 ("disorderly behavior," spat on Rep. Roger Griswold) to Tom Delay in 2004.
Government Ethics
Online resources (overview, issues, articles on government ethics and on social policy, cases, decision making resources, and ethics sites) from the Makkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.
CRT Principles for Government
From the Caux Round Table. (Scroll down page)

Social Policy

"Affirmative Action: Twenty-Five Years of Controversy,"
Claire Andre, Manuel Velasquez, and Tim Mazur. Issues in Ethics 5(2), Summer 1992.
"In Focus: The Immigration Debate,"
David Stoll. U.S. Foreign Policy in Focus 2(31), 1997.
"Immigration: Is Exclusion Just?,"
Manuel Velasquez. Issues in Ethics 7(2), Spring 1996.
"Immigration and Ethics,"
Martin Cook. Issues in Ethics 7(2), Spring 1996.
Death Penalty Information Center
News, issues, resources, and reports

Global Politics and Policies

Ethics in Climate Change
Resources from the Rock Ethics Institute at Penn State.
The Science and Ethics of Global Warming
Daniel Kirk-Davidoff, University of Maryland.
"Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention,"
C.A.J. Coady. Peaceworks 45 (July 2002).
"Humanitarian Intervention and Just War,"
Mona Fixdal and Dan Smith. Mershon International Studies Review (1998) 42, 283-312.
Peacekeeping and the Just War Tradition
Tony Pfaff. U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, September 2000.

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