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General guide to print and online resources for theater studies

Books available at Rutgers

Laurie Anderson

Note: Because many of Laurie Anderson's performance texts have not been published in their entirety, selected published excerpts have been included on this page. Titles in quotation marks represent songs from unidentified performances.

Official website:

Other Works

Night Life
(2008; published on website:

Unpublished Works:

Americans on the Move, 1978

Audio Talk, 1977

Automotive, 1972

Blue Horn File, 1979

Born, Never Asked, 1980

Down Here, 1978

Duets on Ice, Songs and Stories for the Insomniac, Voices from the Beyond
(in Stories from the Nerve Bible: A Retrospective 1971-1992, New York: Harper Perennial, 1994).

The End of the Moon, 2002

Engl-SH, 1976

Hidden inside Mountains, 2005

Institutional Dream Series, 1972

It's Cold outside, 1981

Like a Stream, 1978

Natural History, 1986

"On Dit", 1977

O-Range, 1973

Road Songs, 1976

Some Songs, 1977

Stereo Decoy, 1977

Stereo Stories, 1976

Suspended Sentences, 1978

Tales from the Vienna Woods, 1974

Talk Normal (Japan: Atelier Peytol, 1992). Out of print; not available at Rutgers University Libraries.

"That's Not the Way I Heard It", 1977

Out of the Clue, 1974


Big Science re-release  (2007; Nonesuch Records)

Homeland (2008; Nonesuch Records)


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