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Transgender Issues and Resources


Welcome to the Transgender Issues  and Resources Research Guide. This guide showcases resources on transgender and LGBTQAI+ issues at Rutgers University Libraries and beyond. All Rutgers resources are available on-campus for all users. Off campus use of licensed electronic resources are limited to current Rutgers community of students, faculty and staff.

This guide was created and is maintained by  Kayo Denda. It was edited in spring '20 by Whitney Kehl, SC&I, MI '21.

Educational Video on Top Surgery

With the RBHS  - IDEA Innovation grant (2020-2021), Dr. Jeremy Sinkin, Assistant Professor of the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, RWJMS, created a video to raise awareness and educate the RBHS community on issues related to diverse gender non-conforming community for compassionate health care practice. Watch the video Masculinizing gender affirming chest contouring surgery.


Transgender News

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Most North American academic and research libraries use the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) to organize their collection. This practice allows for uniformity of access points across libraries and the ability to generate a list of resources using the same LCSH. However, many scholars and activists lament the slow pace of LCSH in incorporating new subject headings attuned to current usage. The term "transgender" below  is one such example. It is used broadly by scholars, health care workers, activists and LGBTQIA+ comunities and yet not a LCSH. Instead the term "transsexuals" is still an official LCSH and is used as subject heading to describe in many resources.

Gender identity

Gender Nonconformity

Transgender people

Transgender Women

Transgender Men

Transgender Youth

Transsexuals  (this term is outdated, but it is still an official LCSH and used in by catalogers)


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