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History of South Asia I (21:510:280)


History of South Asia: A Chronological Outline. From Prehistory to Modern South Asia. From the Columbia University Asia for Educators site.

South Asia Timeline. Extensive timeline from HistoryWorld.

Basic Reference Resources

Encyclopedia of India
Stanley A. Wolpert. Detroit, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006. 4 vols.
More than 600 entries with bibliographies on the history, cultures, geography and religions of India from ancient times to the present day. Rutgers-restricted Access
Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Robert E. Buswell. New York, Macmillan, 2003. 2 vols.
"describes the Buddhist world view, basic teachings and practices of Buddhism, as well as its different schools and sects. In addition to containing entries on Buddhist scriptures, art, architecture, divinities, monastic orders, festivals, rites and ceremonies, this 2-vol. set explores the history of Buddhism, the different forms it has taken in different parts of the world, and how Buddhism has blended with other religions." Rutgers-restricted Access
Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Constance Jones. New York, Facts on File, 2007. Rutgers-restricted Access
The Encyclopaedia of Islam
New Edition, 1986. "Covers Muslims of every age and land, tribes and dynasties, crafts and sciences, political and religious institutions, and the geography, ethnography, history, topography, and monuments of major towns and cities, encompassing the Arabo-Islamic empire, the Islamic countries of Iran, Central Asia, Indian and Indonesia, the Ottoman Empire, and all other Islamic countries. Published in 12 volumes." Rutgers-restricted Access

" has been the major website on the ancient Indus or Harappan Civilization (3500-1700 BCE) since 1995. Leading scholars from India, Pakistan, the US, UK, and Europe have published their work in slideshows, essays and articles that cover the basic facts and the latest research."
Manas: India and its Neighbors
Site created by Vinay Lal, Professor of History at UCLA. The site "aims at offering a scholarly yet readable narrative of some aspects of Indian history, politics, culture, and religion."
Internet Indian History Sourcebook
Links to source materials, as well as other texts.


A Historical Atlas of South Asia
Joseph E. Schwartzberg. 2d edition. New York, Oxford University Press, 1992. Award-winning historical atlas on South Asia. Part of the Digital South Asia Library. Available?

Early Kingdoms, c.200's BCE to 550 CE

The Gupta Empire, 300's-400's