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Senior Seminar in Childhood Studies: Children and Play

This guide supports Dr. Daniel Cook's section of Senior Seminar in Childhood Studies in Spring 2019.

Why Reference Sources?

Using reference sources, like encyclopedias, at the beginning of your research is a helpful way to read a quick introduction or overview of a topic. Information is clear, concise, and factual. These sources can clarify new concepts and terms and introduce you to related ideas. 


Oxford Bibliographies Online: Childhood Studies: Rutgers-restricted resource which is international and cross-cultural in scope, transcending narrow geographical confines and analyzing modern and historical childhoods both locally and globally.



  • Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media (electronic)Rutgers-restricted "Explores complex and difficult topics such as violence, sex, rating systems, and warning labels, attention deficit disorder, body image and eating disorders, popular music lyrics, advertising, digital music downloading, parental involvement, policymaking, and child development."
  • Encyclopedia of Play in Today's Society (electronic)Rutgers-restricted "Explores the concept of play in history and modern society in the United States and internationally. As an academic social history, it includes the perspectives of several curricular disciplines, from sociology to child psychology, from lifestyle history to social epidemiology."
  • Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent (electronic)Rutgers-restricted "Ready-to-use facts on...artistic ability, to achievement motivation, to creative personality, to emotional intelligence, gender differences, genius, intelligence testing, learning styles, minority under-representation, multiple intelligences, musical ability, prodigies, scientists, self-actualization, thinking skills, and more."

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