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Senior Seminar in Childhood Studies: Children and Play

This guide supports Dr. Daniel Cook's section of Senior Seminar in Childhood Studies in Spring 2019.

Library Databases

Quicksearch: Search the majority of Rutgers Libraries holdings. Use the "Limit To" option on the left side for "Peer-reviewed journals" to narrow results to only scholarly sources.

Academic Search Premier: A multi-disciplinary database covering nearly every area of academic study.

JSTOR: Journals, books, and primary sources in a wide variety of subject areas in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences.

Social Science Premium Collection: Scholarship in anthropology, criminology, economics, education, international relations, library science, linguistics, political science, public policy, social work, sociology, and more.

Google Scholar: (Open Access) Searches across a wide range of scholarly literature from academic publishers, professional societies, university repositories, and other scholarly websites.

Open Online Resources

These websites (social media, magazines, blogs, and organizations) are starting points for exploring possible research areas.

ToyBook: Leading toy catalog/magazine

ToyInsider: Review magazine for toys

Psychology Today: Parenting: Articles related to parenting. You can also search with keywords. 

Free Range Kids: Website from Lenore Skenazy, 

LetGrow: Non-profit organization advocating for free-range parenting, co-founded by Lenore Skenazy. 

Accessing the Article

We subscribe to thousands of journals, but not to all of the journals you may find cited in our electronic databases. If you find an article you want to read and the full text is not available via PDF or HTML links, try the following:  

1. Select the button. Select the link to full-text

2. If you do not see a link to full text, select “Search the library’s catalog by title (or ISSN) link” which will take you to the catalog record for the journal title (if available). Check if the article is available online in the Electronic Access section.The record also indicates whether the library system owns the periodical in paper or in other formats.  

3If Rutgers University Libraries has the article, but not electronically, you can request a free, electronic copy (PDF) by clicking on the Article Delivery button in the record.

4. If RUL does not have the article at all, you can request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.  Requested articles are delivered electronically as PDF files. The turnaround time is generally 1-3 days. 


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