Consumers League of New Jersey RecordsThe Consumers League of New Jersey was established in 1900 as an affiliate of the National Consumers' League by a group of middle-class women seeking to improve the working conditions of women and children in industry through public education and legislative action. It sought reform through child labor laws, minimum wage and maximum hour laws, and legislation regulating factory, retail, household, and migrant working conditions, including mandated improvements in workplace health standards and safety. The organization shifted its agenda during the 1960s and 1970s to issues such as consumer credit, consumer fraud, food prices, the use of pesticides and food additives, national health insurance, and environmental pollution.
The League's records consist of executive committee minutes, annual meeting files, president's files, executive secretary's files, legislative files, financial and membership records, child labor files, consumer credit files, Medicare and Medicaid files, migratory labor files, minimum wage files, pesticides files, radiation poisoning files, workers' compensation files, subject files for other areas of concern, anniversary celebration files, biographical and historical files, consumer conferences files, publications, Consumer Education Foundation files, Consumer Federation of America files, photographs, and scrapbooks.