Joseph S. Frelinghuysen PapersCorrespondence, notes, texts of speeches, and other papers relating to Frelinghuysen's political career; political newspaper clippings (1928-1929); and personal and political scrapbooks (1889-1945). Topics include labor, post-war labor problems, labor and the railroads, labor relations, labor unions, labor and the U.S. Supreme Court, labor in war, labor and the war, the Adamson bill (Adamson Act), American Federation of Labor, A.J. Beveridge on labor, labor board, labor and capital, International Labor Conference, labor and the League of Nations, “open shop,” labor and the police, labor in politics, railroad labor boards, railroad strike (1922), strikers, bills to penalize strikes, history of strikes, Treaty of 1919 and labor, and President Woodrow Wilson on the topics of the Coal Labor Act, “open shop,” and strikes.