Defense Mapping Agency/Army Map Service/National Imagery and Mapping Agency: Topos and charts
The commercial East View Geospatial web page for product sales is a useful index to the GNC, JNC, ONC, and TCP chart series.
Federal Aviation Administration: Aeronautical Charts
The latest edition of the FAA Aeronautical Charts User Guide is available online. Only the most current charts should be used for navigation. LSM keeps the most recently received editions of Sectional aeronautical charts in the government documents collection on the second floor. These charts are classed DOCUS TD 4.79/11: See for example the QuickSearch record for the chart for New York. The most recently received editions of world aeronautical charts are shelved nearby at DOCUS TD 4.79/14: See for example the QuickSearch record for chart CF-19 covering the New York region.
Federal Emergency Management Agency: Flood Maps
Current maps are available from the FEMA Flood Map Service Center. Search by street address to retrieve flood maps for viewing or purchase.
Forest Service: National forest maps
Topographic maps of the national forests are housed in the map cases on the first floor of LSM. These maps are classed A 13.28: Current maps are available online. Motor vehicle use maps and recreation and trail guides to the national forests are kept folded and housed in the government documents collection on the second floor of LSM.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Nautical charts
Nautical charts at LSM include charts from the National Ocean Service (East coast domestic waters only) and the Defense Mapping Agency foreign waters charts (general, international, and U.S. waters). The two series are interfiled in the map cases on the first floor of LSM. Only current charts should be used for navigational purposes. Electronic Navigational Charts are available at the NOAA Office of Coast Survey web site. Historical maps and charts from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey are also available online.
National Weather Service: Daily Weather Maps
LSM has a collection of daily weather maps in print from 1975 - 1999, housed in the government documents collection on the second floor file by SuDoc classification numbers DOCUS C 55.213: and C 55.195: The current six months of weekly cumulations of the Daily Weather Maps are also available online. Historical daily weather maps, from 1871 forward, are available from the NOAA Central Library.
Soil Conservation Service: Farm land and soil surveys
Additional maps from federal agencies in the LSM collection are arranged in SuDoc number classification. Records for these maps may appear in QuickSearch, or for maps received prior to 2003 in the documents card catalog, and are filed either in the DOCUS-MAP cases and cabinets on the first floor of the library, or in the DOCUS collection on the second floor.
Canadian Geological Survey Maps
These maps are housed in a horizontal filing cabinet in the map reference area on the first floor of LSM. They are arranged by series number. Use the Index to Publications to access these maps. Records for cataloged maps also appear in QuickSearch.
Intergovernmental Agency Maps
Maps from agencies such as UNESCO and FAO are cataloged and filed by LC classification number in the map cabinets on the first floor. Records for these maps appear in QuickSearch. See for example, World map of hydrogeological conditions and groundwater flow.
Miscellaneous Uncataloged Maps
These maps can be found in a geographic arrangement with the name of the continent, country, or state on the front of the map case drawer. The uncataloged collection is comprised mainly of geologic or topographic maps, but other scientific and political maps are included as well. Access to these maps is via the "Maps" drawer in the government documents card catalog at LSM.