The AASL is the only national professional membership organization focused on school librarians and the school library community. AASL has more than 7,000 members and serves school librarians in the United States, Canada, and around the world.
The AECT is an international organization that values diversity of thought, culture and people whose activities are directed toward improving learning.
The mission of the Association is to provide an international forum for people interested in promoting effective school library programs as viable instruments in the educational process.
RASL aims to provide graduates with the information they need to become certified as school librarians. Its goal is to connect students with issues and ideas emerging in the field, to build relationships with practicing school and public librarians, and to help you kickstart your career.
Time commitment: 1 year.
The ALSC Mentoring Program seeks to match individuals with an interest in library service to children. This program is administered by the ALSC Membership Committee and the Managing Children's Services Committee.
Time commitment: 1 year.
The program is intended to help new school library media specialists to acclimate to their professional roles, and to develop their own unique visions for student-centered library programming.