The US Patents and Trademark Office (USPTO) databases, Patent Full-Text and Images (PatFT) and Application Full-Text and Images (AppFT) were retired on September 30, 2022, and have been replaced by Patent Public Search.
Basic Search and Advanced Search are available from this page. Basic Search is good if you know the patent number or publication date of a particular patent. It can also perform searches using two keywords only. Follow the instructions for formatting on the right side of the page. If you need to search using additional keywords use the Advanced Search feature.
Please make an appointment to get help with patent searching. Please email me at to make an appointment, this is the fastest way to get my attention.
Before your appointment you may want to review The Multi-Step Strategy for patents searching, and this page on patent basics.
Patent searching is time consuming, so you will want to keep careful notes. If you are seeking a patent for your invention, you may want to engage a patent lawyer. Only they can give you legal advice.
If you are not affiliated with Rutgers, another option is the Newark Public Library, which is also a designated Patent and Trademark Resource Center.
Below is a document with a list of the searchable indexes you can use in Patent Public Search, which you can download. Common fields to search for are Applicant Name .AANM. ; Asignee Name .AS. ; Current Cooperative Patent Classification .CPC. ; Inventor Name .INV. or .IN. ; Description .SPEC. ; and Publication Year .PY.
Remember that the index code needs a period before and after it.