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US Patent Databases

USPTO Patent Public Search - The USPTO Patent Public Search database replaces PatFT, AppFT, and legacy PubEAST and PubWEST. It searches 3 US databases at the same time: US-PGPUB for published patent applications since 2001; USPAT for all published patents since 1790; and USOCR for the scanned text of issued US patents from ~ 1830's to 1970 by OCR.

Electronic Official Gazette - Patents issued each week are published on Tuesdays. Published online only, it contains "front page text, a representative claim, and a drawing (if applicable) of each patent issued that week. Please note that the Official Gazette Notices are also included in each issue and provide important information and changes in rules concerning both patents and trademarks."


Patent Searching - Public & Free Sources

Search Canadian industrial designs from 1861 to the present.

Canadian patents database lets you access 93 years of patent descriptions and images.  Titles, Names and Classifications are searchable from 1869. Text Databases such as Abstract and Claims are searchable from 1978-08-15. The Issue date is searchable from 1869. The Filing date is searchable from 1978-08-15. The Priority date is searchable from 1989-10-01. Images are available from 1920-01-01 except for Cover page and Abstract which are available from 1975.

News, FAQs and Laws & Policy. Formerly known as China - State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO).

From this site you can get access to the European Patent Office's search engine. It is a free Internet service from the European Patent Organization. You can use it to search 90 million patent documents from all over the world from 1836 to today. All the tools and information that inventors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, researchers and enterprises need to conduct business with the European Patent Office are listed on this page.  The European Patent Office's search engine, Espacenet is a free Internet service from the European Patent Organization.  Espacenet learning resources, including tutorials and recorded webinars, are available.

The German Patent and Trademark Office’s DEPATISnet contains patent data from approximately 90 countries and regional patent offices, making it comparable to the Espacenet system.  Search interfaces in German and English are available.  German Patent Images 1877+ and Full text 1987+.

Google Patent Search covers the entire collection of patents made available by the USPTO rom patents issued in the 1790s through those issued in the middle of 2006. Currently it does not include patent applications, international patents, or U.S. patents issued over the last few months. One can either do a general search or use the Advanced Patent Search feature.

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT) have launched Japan Platform for Patent Information (J-PlatPat) on March 23rd 2015, which is a new service to provide patent information including utility-model, design, trademark information.  The new service provides an enhanced environment for searching basic information needed for an intellectual property strategy building as well as a functional and simple user interface.

The Lens, formerly the Patent Lens, was an online patent search facility and knowledge resource, provided by CAMBIA, an independent, international non-profit organization dedicated to "democratizing innovation". Launched in 2000, the Patent Lens allowed free searching of over 10 million full-text patent documents, including United States patents and applications, Australian patents and applications, European patents and Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications. The Patent Lens was distinguished as being the only not-for-profit facility containing international coverage and links to non-patent literature and tutorials.

The IPO also has direct administrative responsibility for examining and issuing or rejecting patents, and maintaining registers of intellectual property including patents, designs and trademarks in the UK.

Search or browse World Patent bibliographic data, abstracts & drawings of published PCT applications. Abstracts are in English, with full patent images in the language of the inventor's country.  Link directly to the searchable index of international patent applications at  Patentscope.


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