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LibChat Training Manual

Virtual Reference Calendar

Chat Scheduling Policy

Chat operates from 10am-10pm when the University is open. During University holidays, virtual reference service is provided asynchronously thorough Ask-A-Librarian.

There are two base schedules for chat to cover different usage periods in the academic calendar:

  • Low schedule - A low schedule will be in effect during periods of lower activity such as summer session, operating for 119 total hours.
  • High schedule - A high schedule will be in effect during periods of high activity such as the active fall and spring semesters, operating for 196 total hours.

Campus chat coordinators are responsible for scheduling the assigned chat hours for each department. If you need to change or switch your chat shift, please contact your chat coordinator:

  • Camden: John Maxymuk (
  • Central: Ann Marie Latini (
  • Newark: Rhonda Marker (
  • New Brunswick: Rebecca Diamond (
  • RBHS: Victoria Wagner (

If you are making an emergency swap or if the person scheduled a chat shift has not shown, please email the coordinators group: