New Jersey is the medicine chest to the world. This pathway explores our diverse ecosystem of life science companies and organizations working in the field of public health.
Curtiss, Chad, and Ann Ussery-Hall. 2020. “Empowered by Tracking: Using Data to Solve Public Health Problems.” Journal of Environmental Health 83 (3): 28–30.
Boscolo, Paola Roberta, Giuditta Callea, Oriana Ciani, and Rosanna Tarricone. 2020. “Measuring Value in Health Care: A Comparative Analysis of Value-Based Frameworks.” Clinical Therapeutics 42 (1): 34–43.
Kwok, Chun Shing, Elena-Andra Muntean, Will Foster, and Christian D Mallen. 2022. “Patient Pathways in Cardiology: Should Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies Care?” Critical Pathways in Cardiology 21 (1): 57–60.
Prah Ruger, Jennifer. 2020. “Positive Public Health Ethics: Toward Flourishing and Resilient Communities and Individuals.” American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7): 44–54.
Dănescu, Tatiana, and Maria-Alexandra Popa. 2020. “Public Health and Corporate Social Responsibility: Exploratory Study on Pharmaceutical Companies in an Emerging Market.” Globalization and Health 16 (1): 117–117.
D’Hooghe, Thomas. 2017. “Transparent Collaboration Between Industry and Academia Can Serve Unmet Patient Need and Contribute to Reproductive Public Health.” Human Reproduction (Oxford) 32 (8): 1549–55.
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