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English 301: College Writing and Research

About this guide

This Library Guide will assist you through the research process and show you how to use the many resources Rutgers Libraries provide, including books, journals, databases, and Internet resources.

Each page has videos, supplementary information, and assignments to teach and reinforce the concepts being covered.

Start with our introductory and library terminology videos on this page and then navigate the guide either through the titles on the top or through the buttons in the picture.

Using the libraries from off campus

All of the libraries resources and services are available to you even if you are off campus. When you are off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your netID when you try to access Rutgers' restricted resources.

Using the Libraries from a smartphone

To utilize the libraries resources and services on your mobile device download the "Rutgers University" app, available in both iOS and Android. Add the "libraries" icon through "more."

For more mobile apps visit our Mobile Apps Research Guide.

Libraries introduction


Navigating the Guide