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English 301: College Writing and Research

About this page

Once you have selected a topic and made a list of keywords you are finally ready to begin looking for articles. Here are the key activities on this page:

  • Watch the videos.
  • Click on the subject terms listed below and view a few of the more common databases used at Rutgers. It is a good idea to start searching with a multidisciplinary database before you begin searching specific subject databases. Keep in mind that many topics will cross multiple subject headings.
  • Complete the Activity; "How much do you know about searching for articles."

Where do I find scholarly articles?

While it is possible to find some scholarly articles on the Internet using a search engine such as Google, many scholarly articles are not freely available to the public. The Libraries subscribe to many Indexes and Databases that contain scholarly articles.

Details on how to search Indexes and Databases can be found in the section, "Searching for Journal Articles." Just as not every item in a scholarly journal is scholarly, not everything in an Index or Database is scholarly. Some of the databases, such as those provided by the vendor EBSCOhost allow you to limit your search results to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.

Activity - How much do you know about searching for articles

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Multidisciplinary Databases

General Science Indexes

Agriculture/Biology/Environmental Science Indexes


Art/Dance/Music Indexes

Business/Economics Indexes

Communication & Mass Media Indexes

Criminal Justice/Law/Political Science

Education Index

Engineering/Technology Indexes




History Indexes

Literature Indexes

Medicine/Sports and Related Indexes


Philosophy/Religion Indexes

Psychology Index

Social Work Indexes

Sociology Indexes

Women's and Gender Studies Indexes


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