The Employment and Labor Law guide is intended for students & researchers at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. The guide covers both general and specialized topics in the areas of employment and labor law such as dispute resolution and compensation and benefits, as well as guidance on finding laws and cases. The guide highlights specific resources such as books, journals, law databases, and web resources. If you have any questions about this guide or topic of research, please contact the James B. Carey Library director, Julie Peters.
Search for books, articles, laws and cases
Objective and comprehensive research involves searching in more than one place for information. Look for research from books, journals, and legal resources. You can find books, e-Books, journal articles, newspaper articles, documentaries, videos, dissertations, reviews, government documents, datasets and conference proceedings all using the RU Library Catalog, QuickSearch.
Search for trusted web resources
Information overload can happen with just one Internet search. This guide provides a number of trusted web resources to consult including news outlets, legal databases, organizations and agencies and general websites.
Search for special topics
Special topics within labor studies and employment relations are included. Use this guide to get more information on:
Need more assistance?
Feel free to contact Julie Peters with any questions about your research.
The James B. Carey Library has limited subscription access to Bloomberg Law's Labor & Employment Practice Center. The practice center contains reference materials, news & analysis, "In Focus" reports, federal laws & regulations, state & local resources, practical guidance, chart builders, government agency materials, opinions & dockets, and arbitration awards.
"In Focus" reports cover the areas of sexual harassment, pay equity, gender identity discrimination, cannabis, gig economy, immigration, right-to-work laws, and timely issues such as coronavirus, business closures, remaining operational, and business & executive compensation in an uncertain economy.
Also available, the Daily Labor Report. The Daily Labor Report covers news on labor and employment. Some articles are freely available.
To take advantage of this resource, contact the James B. Carey Library Director, Julie Peters.