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Resources for Faculty Emeriti

Library tools and tips for Rutgers faculty emeriti

NEW: Two-step Login Required

Off campus access to library resources now requires the use of Duo for two-step login. This follows the standards set for NetID-protected websites and services, The requirement went into effect on July 1, 2021.

Read more about Two-step login and how to set it up. Please contact your IT professional for help.

Library Privileges At-A-Glance

Borrowing term loan, 999 book limit, self-renewals
Off-campus access yes, with NetID log in (barcode & PIN for legacy accounts not updated to NetID)
E-ZBorrow and UBorrow yes, with NetID log in (barcode & PIN for legacy accounts not updated to NetID)
Article Delivery yes, with NetID log in (barcode & PIN for legacy accounts not updated to NetID)
ILL (interlibrary loan) yes, with NetID log in (barcode & PIN for legacy accounts not updated to NetID)
SciFinder Scholar yes, with NetID log in
RU Wireless yes, with NetID log in

Off-campus Access

Your off-campus access to electronic resources remains the same as it was before your retirement.

  • Identify the database, journal, article, book, or other electronic resource you want to access and log in with your NetID (or barcode for legacy accounts) when prompted.

Access problems? Here are a few suggestions for troubleshooting.

  • Restart your browser.
  • Clear your browser cache. Rutgers IT provides tips on how to clear your cache and cookies.
  • Try a different browser.
  • Reboot your computer.
  • Check to see whether your log in works in other places where it's required.

Still no access? Use the Ask a Librarian email service to contact Access Services so they can verify that your account is active.

Tip: Virtual Private Network (VPN) from Rutgers

As posted on the OIT Off-Boarding Process page, you are entitled to use the Rutgers Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access resources from off campus.

Activate the VPN service and download AnyConnect, or ask your department’s IT professional for help setting it up, so that you can access resources as if you were working on campus.

Access Journals

Use the Journal Search to find a journal by title or ISSN.

Once you've located the record for a journal, you should be able to navigate to the journal so that you can browse full issues or search for individual articles. Most journal sites include a search function that will allow you to find articles specific to that journal.

Locate Articles

If you have full or partial bibliographic information, you can start in QuickSearch. Enter the title of the article in "quotes" to get the full-text.

No results?

  • Try checking the Expand My Search box under Filter my results in the left panel to search beyond what Rutgers has available. If you find the article, but with "No Online Access," look for the yellow highlighted section of the record and "Sign in for request options." Once you've signed in, you'll see the green Article Delivery button which will take you directly to the "Article Request" page, auto-populating the request form for you.
  • Alternatively, you may want to try Google Scholar. Using the link via Rutgers Libraries will provide you with full text when it's available through Rutgers. Look for the "Get It @ R" links that accompany your search results.

Search Databases

If you're not finding what you need in QuickSearch, or are looking for a more focused subject specific resource, visit the Databases list. There are hundreds of databases accessible by title or subject.

Read Newspapers