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Data Services

Describes numeric data resources and services

Table of Contents

The Data Services guide describes services available to assist users in finding and using data.

Contents to date include:

See Data by Subject for suggested resources categorized by academic discipline.

See Data Management for advice on handling your research data.

Sign up for the nbl_data listserv for ongoing announcements about workshops and other data news.

What is Data Services?

Data Services helps you find and access data, primarily numeric.  Data Services makes selected software available, purchases data sets, hold occasional workshops on data topics, and helps users with databases and data archives that Rutgers has subscriptions and membership to, such as ICPSR.

Data Services is not a statistical consulting service and can neither perform analysis for you, nor advise on correct analysis techniques.  But Data Services will get you to the data!

Workshops in New Brunswick

Workshop master schedule for New Brunswick Libraries

For the latest data workshop schedule, visit

Additional workshops on High Performance Computing are offered by OARC.  See their calendar and resources for more information.

Workshops in Newark

Dana Library on Newark Campus offers a series of workshops for graduate students.  For information on workshops in Newark check: