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Topics in Companion Animal Issues: Animals and Health

Research guide for students of the class Topics in Companion Animal Issues: Animals and Health at SEBS.

Just for Fun!

Librarian with her companion animal

Your professor reading Harry Potter

Your professor reading Harry Potter

Dean reading Harry Potter

Dean and students at Chang

Graduate Assistant at Work

When in doubt, go to the library!

Your professor with her companion.

Stressbuster RU dog

Chang selfie station

High-tech cat from 2002

House pet?

Sources to Reading for Fun

We love to read! We also love to share our love of books and reading in various fun reading projects, such a Books We Read and Summer Tales, we have been running for Rutgers students.

Check out our guides related to reading for fun!

Recreational reading, i.e., reading for fun and mental health also has side effects, such as improving marketable skills for classes and beyond, including searching for information, finding resources, writing papers, and citing scholarly resources.

We strongly believe in the potential of creating virtual communities. A collaboration between Rutgers New Brunswick Libraries and the Office of Academic Programs at the Rutgers School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, our umbrella project, Books We Read, aims to promote reading, libraries, and  information literacy with the resources of Rutgers University Libraries.


You prefer listening to books? Audiobooks are a great way to chill and immerse in a story in the summer. Our top 5 reasons to try audiobooks:

  1. You can have your entire library in your pocket when you go running or to the beach.
  2. You won't look like a total nerd with a backpack of books among music lovers with earphones.
  3. You will be able to pronounce the most difficult words correctly, beating Victor Krum trying to please Hermione.
  4. You have an excuse to ask for the latest ear pods for your birthday.
  5. You can read with your eyes closed. Just don't try that while driving.

Librarians for the Rescue!