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Citizen Science

This guide introduces citizen science, public participation and collaboration in scientific research.

Top Reasons to Get Involved

  • Maintain relevance - self preservation 
  • Network: professionally, casually
  • Try a potential new career path
  • Find a new purpose or complement old ones
  • Learn, without pressure, about new areas; new skills on the fly (soft and hard); science communication
  • Feel good while volunteering, doing something for the greater good

Get Involved @ Rutgers - Sample Projects

national moth week flyer
National Moth Week

An annual week around the 3rd week in July where people are invited to observe and record moths in the their natural habitat, as well as participate in festive activities. 

See how the Rutgers community got involved in 2020  

logo of personal bioblitz
Personal Bioblitz

Occurring March - May participants strive to observe, document, and celebrate as many species of wildlife as possible. Apps are used to carry the citizen science such as iNaturalist. 

More information on Rutgers' Personal Bioblitz


Projects, Platforms, and more

There are many citizen science resources online for finding online and in-person citizen science projects, and this page has a small sampling of resources, platforms, and projects. Courtesy of  Rebekah Miller, Gumberg Library, Duquesne University.

Here are sites that list lots of projects (click the logo to visit the site):


nature's notebook

citizen science center adventure scientists Cornell Lab of Ornithology
nature conservancy iNaturalist Scientific American Citizen Science


Here are some governmental agencies that host citizen science projects:




Here are some individual projects to check out:

Shakespeare's World Monarch Butterfly Journey North Old Weather

Globe at Night


Galaxy Zoo

Bat Detective


stall catchers

This work created by Rebekah Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license; CC BY-NC 4.0

New Jersey Projects

Projects in Humanities