Image from Wikimedia Commons.
"Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci, Image from Wikimedia Commons
Rare compound detected in the Mona Lisa reveals a new secret, by Taylor Nicioli, CNN
"By using X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy, a team of scientists in France and Britain has detected a rare mineral compound within the iconic piece. The finding provides fresh insight into how the work from the early 1500s was painted, according to the study recently published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society."
ChemCollective - Virtual labs, visualizations, and tutorials on a variety of chemistry topics such as stoichiometry, equilibrium, properties of solutions.
Chemistry of Color - Not a chemistry lesson, but an interesting video covering a past exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, which explains the chemistry of color as a timeline.
Crash Course Chemistry - a YouTube Playlist. Topics in chemistry include the electron, solutions, precipitation, reactions.
Khan Academy - starts with an introduction to basic chemistry. Topics include atoms, bonds, acids and bases.
Periodic Videos- Videos from TED-Ed about every element in the periodic table.
Beginner's Chemistry- No frills lessons from Purdue Chemistry.
Introductory Chemistry by David Ball, Cleveland State University. This is an open textbook, freely available through the Open Textbook Library. It introduces students to basic concepts in chemistry, but without some of the depth as might be found in a general chemistry textbook, according to reviews.
WikiBooks General Chemistry An open, community created online resource, similar to Wikipedia, the online open encyclopedia. The General Chemistry WikiBook is arranged in chapters, such as Properties of Matter, Bonding, Solutions, Acids and Bases, etc.
Chemistry and Art - by the Royal Society of Chemistry. A website dedicated to various aspects of chemistry in art, such as artists' techniques, topics such as conservation, a timeline of art as it relates to science, and the chemistry of color.
The Science of Color by Smithsonian Libraries. Not a chemistry lesson but a short overview of the science relating to color, this website is part of a 2017 exhibit. It also covers Making Color, and Matching Color.